CHI 2014 in Toronto

The largest conference on human-computer interaction, the ACM CHI, took place in Toronto from April 28th to May 2nd with this year’s slogan “One of a CHInd”. The Interactive Media Lab Dresden was also involved as Martin Spindler, Ulrike Kister and former student Martin Schüssler presented a full paper and an interactivity (photo gallery). Both Martins gave a talk about their research on Pinch Drag Flick vs. Spatial Input: Rethinking Zoom & Pan on Mobile Displays. In this paper, we compared traditional multitouch navigation on mobile devices with spatial movements for pan and zoom. Additionally, the application could be experienced as an interactive demo called Move Your Phone: Spatial Input-based Document Zoom & Pan on Mobile Displays Revisited. For this they brought a whole setup of cameras and tripods to Canada. Ulrike and Martin Spindler were also student volunteers who supported conference organization.

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HRI 2014 in Bielefeld

From 3rd to 6th of March 2014 the 6th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot-Interaction, HRI’14 took place in Bielefeld, Germany. It was the first time our lab participated at the world biggest conference on Human-Robot-Interaction.
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ITS and UIST 2013 in St. Andrews

ITS & UIST News Bild

From October 6 to 11, Ulrich von Zadow, Matt Oskamp and Raimund Dachselt attended the ACM Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS) followed by the 26th ACM UIST Symposium. Both conferences took place back to back in beautiful St. Andrews, Scotland, which is not only the home of golf, but also of the oldest Scottish University. It just celebrated its 600th anniversary.

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In 2014, ACM Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces will be in Dresden!

We are happy to announce that we will host the international conference ACM Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces 2014 (ITS) in Dresden. The ACM SIGCHI sponsored ITS represents the most important HCI special conference on interactive surfaces worldwide. Besides Raimund DachseltNick Graham is the second general chair. Already mark November 16-19 2014 in your calendars, you all will be welcome in the beautiful city of Dresden!

This was our CHI 2013 in Paris

CHI 2013

April 26th we went to Paris for the world’s biggest conference in the field of human-computer interaction, the ACM CHI 2013 (Photo gallery). With us we brought three Full Papers, an Interactivity and four Workshop Papers. Also, we co-organized two full day workshops. Reason enough for our bus to be fully booked, even though we 10 only made up fraction of the record-breaking 3450 attendants.

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Ten accepted submissions at ACM CHI 2013

End of April, the world’s most important conference in the field of human-computer interaction, ACM CHI, will take place in Paris, France. We are proud that  our group will present three Full Papers, one Interactivity and four Workshop-Papers and is also leading organizer of two own full-day workshops.

Best Paper Award at ACM ITS 2012 in Cambridge (USA)

From November 10th to 14th, Martin Spindler and Raimund Dachselt attended the ACM Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS) in Cambridge (USA). The ACM ITS is the world’s most important conference in the field of human-computer interaction on interactive surfaces. Continue reading

Workshop on Semantic Digital Archives

On September 28th, the 2. “Int. Workshop on Semantic Digital Archives” took place during this year’s TPDL in Paphos/Cyprus. Its main organizer was the Chair for Multimedia-Technology. Continue reading