IEEE VIS 2016 in Baltimore, USA

The IEEE VIS, the biggest conference on visualization research, was held in Baltimore, Maryland (USA) this year from October 23rd to 28th. Tom Horak represented the Interactive Media Lab Dresden at this event with multiple contributions. On Sunday, he discussed our work Logging in Visualizations: Challenges of Interaction Techniques Beyond Mouse and Keyboard at the workshop “Logging Interactive Visualizations & Visualizing Interaction Logs” (LIVVIL). Furthermore, he presented two posters on novel interaction techniques for data exploration: Towards Combining Mobile Devices for Visual Data Exploration was awarded an honorable mention award. It describes the adaptations of visualizations as a result of mobile device combination. The second poster Supporting Graph Exploration Tasks on Display Walls using Spatially-aware Mobile Devices addresses graph exploration on large display walls by means of a mobile device.

CHI 2016 in San Jose

From May 7 to May 12, ACM CHI 2016, the largest conference in the field of human-computer interaction, took place in San Jose, California. This year, the Interactive Media Lab Dresden was represented by Wolfgang Büschel. He participated in the Second International Workshop on Interacting with Multi-Device ecologies “in the wild” and presented our position paper with the title Towards Cross-Surface Content Sharing Between Mobile Devices and Large Displays in the Wild. He also presented two posters at the conference: Embodied Interactions for Novel Immersive Presentational Experiences from our former colleague Fabrice Matulic as well as Smart Ubiquitous Projection: Discovering Surfaces for the Projection of Adaptive Content, which was produced in cooperation with the Computer Vision Lab Dresden.

Our lab sucessfully represented at ITS 2015

The anniversary edition of the ACM international conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces took place in Funchal on the beautiful island of Madeira from November 15 to 18. Five of us represented the Inveractive Media Lab Dresden to present our research work (see gallery). Raimund Dachselt, Tom Horak, Ulrike Kister, Ricardo Langner and Fabrice Matulic presented our seven contributions (see news). Highlights certainly were our two full papers (BodyLenses and Eyes-Free Touch Support) that contributed to the attractive programm of this year’s ITS.
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ITS 2014 in Dresden, Germany

The International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS’14) took place from Nov 16 – 19, 2014 in Dresden, Germany. As principal organizers of this years event, we were particularly keen to make these four days an enjoyable and pleasant happening. The hard work of Co-General Chair Raimund Dachselt, our team as well as all others involved has paid off. Catch some impressions of the conference at our photo gallery!

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ISMAR 2014 Best Paper Award for our IPAR Paper

The paper Interactive Near-field Illumination for Photorealistic Augmented Reality on Mobile Devices, a result of the DFG project IPAR, has been honored with the Best Paper Award at ISMAR 2014. Kai Rohmer (Computational Visualistics Group at OvGU Magdeburg) presented the paper last week at the world’s leading conference on Mixed and Augmented Reality.

IPAR is a DFG-funded joint project of the Computational Visualistics Group and Interactive Media Lab Dresden.

NIME 2014 in London, UK

From June 30 to July 4, Axel Berndt and Nadia Al-Kassab visited the 14th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, NIME 2014 to present their work “TouchNoise: A Particle-based Multitouch Noise Modulation Interface“. Beside the well-known scientific paper, demo and poster sessions there were several electronic as well as electroacoustic concerts, demonstrating the current developments. Continue reading

DIS 2014 Honorable Mention for our LEIF paper

The paper tPad: Designing Transparent-Display Mobile Interactions, a result of the LEIF exchange program, received an “Honorable Mention” at this year’s DIS 2014.

LEIF was a EU funded exchange program between Canada and the European Union. Professor Dachselt was the European project coordinator.

EuroVis 2014 in Swansea, Wales

This year’s Eurographics Conference on Visulaization (EuroVis 2014) was located in Swansea, Wales. The focus of this conference is novel ideas for information visualization and scientific visualization. Ulrike Kister presented a state-of-the-art report on Interactive Lenses in Visualization together with our collaborators from Rostock in our project GEMS. In a 90-minute talk, they presented classification of magic lenses of different application areas. They especially focused on lenses for different data types and interaction tasks. Ulrike presented existing interaction modalities and display setups for the positioning and adjustment of magic lenses.

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AVI 2014 in Como and PerDis 2014 in Copenhagen

In the last weeks, two conferences with successful participation by the Interactive Media Lab Dresden took place: Mai 27.-30., the AVI 2014 International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces in Como, Italiy and on June 3rd and 4th the International Symposium on Pervasive Displays in Copenhagen, Denmark.
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