Dagstuhl Seminar Visualizing Data on Non-Flat, Non-Rectangular Displays

From February 16 to 21, the seminar Visualizing Data on Non-Flat, Non-Rectangular Displays took place at Schloss Dagstuhl. This interdisciplinary seminar was organized by Raimund Dachselt together with Anastasia Bezerianos (Université Paris-Saclay, INRIA, CNRS, FR) and Wesley J. Willett (University of Calgary, CA). Among the 23 participants was also our group member Ricardo Langner and our former colleague Konstantin Klamka, who both received an invitation to the seminar.

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New Book on Mobile Data Visualization available

In July 2019, the Dagstuhl Seminar "Mobile Data Visualization" took place, resulting in a book project idea. We are very proud that after long and hard work, many discussions, and several hurdles caused by the pandemic, the book entitled Mobile Data Visualization is available now Continue reading

Keynote @ IEEE ICHMS

On September 10th, Raimund Dachselt gave a keynote speech at the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Human-Machine Systems (ICHMS).

The invited talk on the topic „Interactive Spaces for Ubiquitous Data – A Mobile Visualization Perspective“ was closing the three-day hybrid conference, which was approaching human-centered systems for our digital world from different perspectives including HCI, cognitive ergonomics, and engineering.

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Five Full Papers at CHI 2021

We are happy to announce that five full papers with co-authors from our lab have been accepted at ACM CHI 2021!
Three of these papers are projects of our group, with two more papers being co-authored in cooperation with international researchers around the world. We are happy to contribute to the community of the largest and most important conference in the field of human-computer interaction.

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Three Contributions and Honorable Mention Award at the Mensch und Computer 2020

The Mensch und Computer 2020 took place from September 6-9. The Interactive Media Lab Dresden (Chair of Multimedia Technology) was represented with three contributions.

The full paper Achiever or Explorer? Gamifying the Creation Process of Training Data for Machine Learning examines whether and how Gamification can be used to create high-quality training data for machine learning. The publication was based on the master thesis of Sarah Alaghbari.

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Great Success in Excellence Competition

On the 28th of September 2018, important results of the prestigious German Excellence Competition were announced. We are very happy that our university received approval for three Clusters of Excellence and thus can apply for the University of Excellence funding line. Congratulations! Prof. Dachselt and his team are extremely delighted to be principal investigator in two of them: Physics of Life (PoL) investigates the fundamental issues in cell and developmental biology, and the Centre for Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop (CeTI) aims to expedite the efficient cooperation between man and machine. We are excited to be part in these interdisciplinary research teams.

“Mensch und Computer 2018” in Dresden!

The Mensch und Computer conference took place from Sep 2 – 5, 2018 in Dresden, Germany. With a notable number of 770 participants from both research and industry the Mensch und Computer 2018 is again one of the largest German-speaking IT and HCI conferences in Europe. Together with our colleagues from the chair of Human-Computer Interaction, we as members of the Interactive Media Lab were particularly involved in the organization of the conference. And one of our goals was to let this conference be an inspiring event for all participants. In the gallery you can find selected photos, in which various impressions of the Mensch und Computer 2018 in Dresden have been captured.

AVI 2018 in Castiglione della Pescaia, Italy

From May 29 to June 1, the 2018 International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (short AVI 2018) took place in Castiglione della Pescaia (Grosseto, Italy). As a cooperation between several ACM SIGs, this biannual conference is hosted at different locations in Italy.
This year, Ricardo Langner presented two contributions of the Interactive Media Lab Dresden. During the workshop on Multimodal Interaction for Data Visualization we showed our work “Combining Interactive Large Displays and Smartphones to Enable Data Analysis from Varying Distances“, in which we discuss first ideas and interaction concepts as part of our research project Multiple Coordinated Views at Wall-Sized Displays. With “Demonstrating VisTiles: Visual Data Exploration Using Mobile Devices” we also presented the prototype as well as implemented visualization and interaction concepts of the VisTiles project.
Some impressions of the scientific part and non-scientific program can be found in the twitter feed of the conference @AVIConference.

Our students received 50th start-up grant of the TU Dresden

Thomas Meerpohl and Joshua Peschke worked on their diploma theses in our lab and developed a novel hardware and software system for digital music production and drum synthesis. Together with Clemens Schmiegel they founded the NEUBAU company and now try to hit the market with their innovative solution. Raimund Dachselt is one of their mentors supporting their efforts. On August 18th 2016 they received the 50th EXIST start-up grant of the TU Dresden. Congratulations on this success and all the best for your entrepreneurial future!

Photo © Silvia Kapplusch