Dagstuhl Seminar Visualizing Data on Non-Flat, Non-Rectangular Displays

From February 16 to 21, the seminar Visualizing Data on Non-Flat, Non-Rectangular Displays took place at Schloss Dagstuhl. This interdisciplinary seminar was organized by Raimund Dachselt together with Anastasia Bezerianos (Université Paris-Saclay, INRIA, CNRS, FR) and Wesley J. Willett (University of Calgary, CA). Among the 23 participants was also our group member Ricardo Langner and our former colleague Konstantin Klamka, who both received an invitation to the seminar.

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Dagstuhl Seminar on Mobile Data Visualization

From July 14 to 19, we participated in the Mobile Data Visualization seminar at Schloss Dagstuhl. As a follow up of our CHI 2018 workshop, this interdisciplinary seminar was co-organized by Raimund Dachselt together with Eun Kyoung Choe (University of Maryland), Petra Isenberg (INRIA Saclay), and Bongshin Lee (Microsoft Research). Among the 25 participants, also Ricardo Langner and Tom Horak from our lab followed the invitation.

As an uniqueness of Dagstuhl, the seminar run for one week in the remote location of the castle allowing for in-depth discussions about the state and future of mobile data visualizations. More specifically, different facets of the timely topic were discussed in various breakout groups, talks, and tutorials. Among others, this included the definition, evaluation methods, responsiveness, immersion, or social and ethical aspects. The results will be published soon in a Dagstuhl report. The seminar’s abstract, motivation, and list of participants is available at https://www.dagstuhl.de/19292.