Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

The Interactive Media Lab Dresden wishes all students, colleagues and project partners a Merry Christmas and a successful year 2014.

Invited Talk by Prof. Johannes Schöning

And yet another interesting event in our Dresden Talks on Interaction and Visualization will take place on Friday, 29th November 2013 at 1:00 pm. This time Prof. Johannes Schöning (Expertise centre for Digital Media (EDM), Hasselt University, Belgium) will talk about Mobile Human Computer Interaction: Future Phones & Future Habits presenting current findings of the usage of mobile devices and shows perspectives of future apps and novel devices. You are welcome to participate!

Invited Talk with Prof. Otto Anshus

As part of our Dresden Talks on Interaction and Visualization series Prof. Otto Anshus (University of Tromsø, Norway) will give a scientific talk on Thursday, November 14th at 3:00 p.m. about his recent topic “MultiStage: Distributed Acting, Making The Remote Local“. He will focus on effective techniques for computer-mediated collaboration of actors at physically remote locations taking into account unavoidable network and processing delays. Everybody is welcome to attend this interesting talk.

The Interactive Display Wall arrived

It is done! A high-resolution, interactive display wall of Finnish MultiTouch Ltd. now found its place in our lab. After three days of hard work (see the video of the setup) the screwdrivers can rest. Continue reading

Long Night of Science 2013 @ IML Dresden

Dresdner Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2013 @ IML Dresden

On Friday, the 11th Long Night of Science in Dresden took place. In addition to many stations in the city and in the faculty’s building, the Interactive Media Lab Dresden with its two user interface labs showed live demos, informing up close about current trends and research projects in the field of natural human computer interaction. (Photo Gallery) Continue reading

Three Interesting Demos by IML Dresden at Output.DD

IML Dresden mit drei interessanten Demos bei Output.DD

For this year’s faculty event Output, interested visitors could also inform themselves about the current research projects of the Interactive Media Lab Dresden informieren. As the photo gallery shows, many students and prospective students came to see applications and demos about the topics of gaze-supported foot-interaction, tangibles & multi-touch interaction and particle based movement sonification. Continue reading

Invited Talk Prof. Valentin Popov

June 4th, Prof. Dr. habil. phys. Valentin Popov of the  Technical University Riga held a talk about “Singer and Computer”. We thank Prof. Popov for the insight into this uncommon topic.

This was our CHI 2013 in Paris

CHI 2013

April 26th we went to Paris for the world’s biggest conference in the field of human-computer interaction, the ACM CHI 2013 (Photo gallery). With us we brought three Full Papers, an Interactivity and four Workshop Papers. Also, we co-organized two full day workshops. Reason enough for our bus to be fully booked, even though we 10 only made up fraction of the record-breaking 3450 attendants.

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Inaugural Lecture of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Raimund Dachselt

On July 13th 2012, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Raimund Dachselt held his inaugural lecture. Many guests in the fully occupied lecture hall of the the faculty of computer science were hearing about past and future projects of the Chair under the title of “Magic Meets Efficiency – Perspectives of Interaction with Ubiquitous Media and Information”. Photo Gallery Continue reading