German HCI-Book “Interaktive Systeme” Vol. 2 published

Cover HCI Buch Band 2

In April 2015, the second volume of the most comprehensive German textbook on Human-Computer Interaction appeared in print. On 774 pages, Bernhard Preim and Raimund Dachselt address three larger topics in 12 chapters (download table of contents):
User Interface Engineering (the entire development process of User Interfaces), 3D User Interfaces (incl. input/output devices, basic and advanced 3D interaction) und Natural User Interfaces (gestural interaction, interactive surfaces, Tangible UIs).
In combination with volume 1, the comprehensive 1,400 page compendium now covers a wide range of HCI topics for a broad audience. The book can be ordered in print, as an eBook, or downloaded as a PDF at Springer Link. The accompanying book website contains more information, and a table of contents can be downloaded here (sorry, only in German, like the entire book ;-).

ITS 2014 in Dresden, Germany

The International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces (ITS’14) took place from Nov 16 – 19, 2014 in Dresden, Germany. As principal organizers of this years event, we were particularly keen to make these four days an enjoyable and pleasant happening. The hard work of Co-General Chair Raimund Dachselt, our team as well as all others involved has paid off. Catch some impressions of the conference at our photo gallery!

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IML Dresden at OUTPUT and the Long Night of Sciences Dresden

This year’s two big events, the 9th edition of OUTPUT, the project show of our faculty as well as the 12th Long Night of Sciences Dresden took place on July 3 and 4. Find exciting impressions captured on images at our photo gallery!
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NIME 2014 in London, UK

From June 30 to July 4, Axel Berndt and Nadia Al-Kassab visited the 14th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression, NIME 2014 to present their work “TouchNoise: A Particle-based Multitouch Noise Modulation Interface“. Beside the well-known scientific paper, demo and poster sessions there were several electronic as well as electroacoustic concerts, demonstrating the current developments. Continue reading

Invited Talk with Prof. Eva Hornecker

We are pleased to announce another exciting talk on Friday, June 27, 1p.m. in our Dresden Talks on Interaction and Visualization series. This time Prof. Eva Hornecker will talk about Physical-Digital-Social Encounters : Exploring the Social Design Space of Physical Computing giving an overview of her research which explores applications and uses of physical-digital technologies in a range of domains, such as museum installations, urban media interventions, and the influence of alternative modality data representations on subjective user experience. The event will take place at the seminar room INF E023. Everybody is welcome to participate!

Invited Talk with Prof. Jussi Ängeslevä

On Friday, May 23, Prof. Jussi Ängeslevä (Berlin Unversity of the Art) will visit us to give a presentation about the exciting topic Programming Material – Computational Design in Encoding Meaning to Physical Sculptures. Everybody is welcome to attend the talk at 1:00 pm in the lecture room INF 1004 (Ratszimmer).

Invited Talks with Prof. Holger Theisel + Dr. Fabrice Matulic

We are pleased to announce two talks in our series Dresden Talks on Interaction and Visualization. On Friday, 9th of May 2014, Prof. Holger Theisel (University of Magdeburg) will give a presentation about Optimal Streamlines and Streamsurfaces for 3D Flow Visualization.

One week later, on Friday, 16th of May 2014, you are invited to attend the talk of Fabrice Matulic (ETH Zurich) about Advanced Document Engineering on Pen and Touch Interactive Surfaces. He will show how UI designers can leverage the interactive capabilities of pen and touch platforms to build intuitive and efficient tools for the production of rich documents.

Both events will take place at 1:00 pm in the lecture room INF E023 at our department. We are looking forward to seeing you there.

HRI 2014 in Bielefeld

From 3rd to 6th of March 2014 the 6th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot-Interaction, HRI’14 took place in Bielefeld, Germany. It was the first time our lab participated at the world biggest conference on Human-Robot-Interaction.
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Press Release by MultiTouch Ltd. about our IML Wall

“Technische Universität Dresden (TU Dresden) introduces the largest interactive display wall in Europe used for research purposes”, MultiTouch Ltd. is stating in their announcement today. The full press release can be found on the official website.