Invited Talk with Prof. Eva Hornecker

We are pleased to announce another exciting talk on Friday, June 27, 1p.m. in our Dresden Talks on Interaction and Visualization series. This time Prof. Eva Hornecker will talk about Physical-Digital-Social Encounters : Exploring the Social Design Space of Physical Computing giving an overview of her research which explores applications and uses of physical-digital technologies in a range of domains, such as museum installations, urban media interventions, and the influence of alternative modality data representations on subjective user experience. The event will take place at the seminar room INF E023. Everybody is welcome to participate!

EuroVis 2014 in Swansea, Wales

This year’s Eurographics Conference on Visulaization (EuroVis 2014) was located in Swansea, Wales. The focus of this conference is novel ideas for information visualization and scientific visualization. Ulrike Kister presented a state-of-the-art report on Interactive Lenses in Visualization together with our collaborators from Rostock in our project GEMS. In a 90-minute talk, they presented classification of magic lenses of different application areas. They especially focused on lenses for different data types and interaction tasks. Ulrike presented existing interaction modalities and display setups for the positioning and adjustment of magic lenses.

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AVI 2014 in Como and PerDis 2014 in Copenhagen

In the last weeks, two conferences with successful participation by the Interactive Media Lab Dresden took place: Mai 27.-30., the AVI 2014 International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces in Como, Italiy and on June 3rd and 4th the International Symposium on Pervasive Displays in Copenhagen, Denmark.
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Sophie Stellmach receives Dr.-Walter-Seipp award for her dissertation

Sophie Stellmach, former member and PhD student at the Interactive Media Lab Dresden, received the prestigious Dr.-Walter-Seipp award of the TU Dresden and the Commerzbank Endowment on May 26th. The award was presented for her outstanding dissertation Gaze-supported Multimodal Interaction. “In her dissertation, Sophie Stellmach researches how human vision can be combined with other modalities to control future computers. Her work was received very well internationally and significantly contributed to the establishment of a new form of human-computer interaction.”, the jury comments. We congratulate her on this admirable achievement. Find some impressions of this event in our photo gallery.
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Invited Talk with Prof. Jussi Ängeslevä

On Friday, May 23, Prof. Jussi Ängeslevä (Berlin Unversity of the Art) will visit us to give a presentation about the exciting topic Programming Material – Computational Design in Encoding Meaning to Physical Sculptures. Everybody is welcome to attend the talk at 1:00 pm in the lecture room INF 1004 (Ratszimmer).

Invited Talk by Dr. Vlastimil Havran

This year’s season of the Dresden Talks on Interaction and Visualization is starting. The first talk will be given by Vlastimil Havran of the Czech Technical University, Prague on Friday, the 25th of April 2014 at 1:00 pm in the lecture room INF E023. Titled Bidirectional Texture Function Compression based on Multi-Level Vector Quantization, we expect an exciting presentation. We are looking forward to welcoming you.

HRI 2014 in Bielefeld

From 3rd to 6th of March 2014 the 6th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot-Interaction, HRI’14 took place in Bielefeld, Germany. It was the first time our lab participated at the world biggest conference on Human-Robot-Interaction.
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Press Release by MultiTouch Ltd. about our IML Wall

“Technische Universität Dresden (TU Dresden) introduces the largest interactive display wall in Europe used for research purposes”, MultiTouch Ltd. is stating in their announcement today. The full press release can be found on the official website.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

The Interactive Media Lab Dresden wishes all students, colleagues and project partners a Merry Christmas and a successful year 2014.