December 9, 2016
1:00 PM
One major task of human-computer interfaces is the communication of data and processes, most of the time in a visual way. In the fields of scientific and information visualization there exist a multitude of different methods for visualizing all sorts of different types of data. However, it is still very hard to effectively judge their utility for human cognitive processes in general and in particular for the vast amount of different possible applications. In this talk, we will discuss this field of research, give an insight into a whole set of tackled application fields in the past, and point out findings for the different research directions. A special emphasis will be laid on the fruitful cooperation between visual computer scientists and media psychologists, including the benefits but also the special challenges for both sides.

Paul Rosenthal received his diploma in mathematics in 2005 from Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University Greifswald. In 2009, he finished his PhD in scientific visualization of unstructured volume data under the supervision of Lars Linsen at Jacobs University in Bremen, where he was also a PostDoc for one year. From 2010 until 2016, he was Assistant Professor for Visual Computing at Chemnitz University of Technology. In this time, he acquired and managed several industry-related research projects with topics ranging from scientific visualization over information visualization to human-computer interaction. From 2016 on he is now Visiting Professor at the University of Rostock in the field of Human-centered Data Analytics and Senior IT Project Manager at the German Federal State of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.