With Martin Spindler another PhD student of the Interactive Media Lab Dresden very successfully defended his dissertation on February 12, 2018. Congratulations from all of us on this impressive achievement, Martin! The topic of the dissertation was “Tangible Displays”, which comprises, among others, six (!) full papers and one journal article. We were able to win Prof. Dr. Jürgen Steimle of Saarland University as external supervisor. As the PhD was started in Magdeburg, some ceremonial traditions from Magdeburg enriched the festivity in Dresden. Afterwards, Martins success was celebrated in a restaurant at the campus of Technische Universität Dresden. The doctorate supervisor, Raimund Dachselt, provides some impressions of this special day in a photo gallery.
Again, we congratulate Martin on his dissertation and wish him all the best for the next chapter in his life.
Sub Projects of the Dissertation
Tangible Windows for 3D Information Spaces
Tangible Windows allow for performing common 3D interaction tasks in a more accessible manner by combining principles of tangible interaction, head-coupled perspective, and multitouch techniques. They either act as physical peepholes into a virtual 3D world or as physical containers for parts of that world. more information
Tangible User Interface Palettes
To bring back the physical affordances of a painter’s palette to graphics editors, we propose to augment a tabletop with handheld displays. We introduce the concept of spatial Work Zones that take up distinct 3D regions above the table surface and serve as physical containers for digital content. This provides quick access to tools and parts of the graphics document that are instantly functional, i.e., ready to be used by a digital pen. more information
Tangible Views for Information Visualization
We contribute to the seamless integration of interaction and display devices and introduce novel ways of visualizing and directly interacting with information. Rather than restricting the interaction to the display surface alone, we explicitly use the physical three-dimensional space above it for natural interaction with multiple displays. more information
This project explores novel interaction techniques that are based on spatially aware tangible displays (Magic Lenses) in multi display environments. The height above a reference surface (e.g. tabletop) is used to better explore complex information spaces. more information
A complete overview about the involved publications and projects are given on the corresponding project page.