February 25, 2016
10:00 AM
APB 1004 (Ratssaal)
English or German
Traditional visualization settings could be described as being quite boring nowadays: when we design visualization or visual analytics tools, we typically assume that they will be used on desktop settings by people who accomplish work-related tasks. However, an amazing wealth of novel display technology emerges around us--together with exciting new opportunities for interacting with data. Examples include mobiles, tablets, large wall displays, and even recent developments such as physical visualizations, skin input, wearables, Google glass, etc. In this talk, I will explore what novel display technology has done so far to advance research in the field of visualization and I will reflect on how these new technologies will allow visualization and visual analytics to progress further.
Petra Isenberg is a research scientist (CR1) at Inria, Saclay, France in the
Aviz research group. Prior to joining Inria, Petra received her PhD from the University of Calgary in 2009 and her Diplom-degree in Computational Visualistics from the University of Magdeburg in 2004.
Her main research areas are information visualization and visual analytics with a focus on collaborative work scenarios. She is interested in exploring how people can most effectively work together when analyzing large and complex data sets on novel display technology such as small touch-screens, wall displays, or tabletops.