Marc Satkowski, former PhD student at the Interactive Media Lab Dresden, received the
Cloud&Heat award as part of the OutputDD, an exhibition of the Faculty of Computer Science at Technische Universität Dresden, on June 13th. The award was presented for his outstanding dissertation “Understanding Immersive Environments for Visual Data Analysis“.

Augmented Reality (AR) enables combining virtual data spaces with real-world environments through visual augmentations, transforming everyday environments into user interfaces of arbitrary type, size, and content. Its usage ranges from a simple information display to a dedicated device to present and analyze information visualizations. To investigate such immersive environments, Marc Satkowski conducted several studies to contribute to the understanding of how such AR applications can be used in the future. For that, he focused on different user and environmental parameters, like human expertise, the influence of the visual background, or the placement of virtual content on the ceiling and floor. We congratulate him on this admirable work and achievement!