Zeit: Wednesday, 6.DS (16:40 to 18:10)
Ort: APB E023
Umfang: 2 SWS
Sprache: Englisch

Leider ist dieser Inhalt nur in Englisch verfügbar. Aus praktischen Gründen wird der Inhalt unten in dieser Sprache angezeigt.

  • The course will be managed via OPAL. We will add you to the course after the enrollment phase.
    • OPAL course for the Lecture: link
    • OPAL course for the Exercise: link


The aim of the course is to prepare an overview of research on Advanced User Interfaces. The course is based on the common practice of scientific presentations and panel discussions. This requires reading and critically reflecting on scientific articles in detail. In addition to reading, each student will present their results and participate in panel discussions.

This exercise provides insights into state-of-art research on Advanced User Interfaces. The topics are based on the contents of the accompanying lecture.

Schedule/Lecture Plan

Topics and schedule are tentative and subject to change!

(schedule is tentative and subject to change)
Date Description
05.04. Introduction and Organization
12.04. Individual Work
19.04. Session 1: Gesture User Interface
26.04. Individual Work
03.05. Session 2: Interactive surfaces: Multitouch
10.05. Dies Academicus
17.05. Session 3: Interactive surfaces: Pen & Sketching
24.05. Session 4: Tangible interaction
31.05. Pentecost/Pfingsten (no course)
07.06. Individual Work
14.06. Session 5: Cross-devices interaction
21.06. Individual Work
28.06. AUI lecture session
05.07. Individual Work
12.07. Session 6: 3D Spatial Interaction