Zeit: Dienstag, 5.DS (14:50 bis 16:20)
Ort: APB E023
Umfang: 2V/2Ü/0P SWS
Sprache: Englisch

Leider ist dieser Inhalt nur in Englisch verfügbar. Aus praktischen Gründen wird der Inhalt unten in dieser Sprache angezeigt.

  • Enrollment for this course starts on 27.03.2023 (9:00).
    • Please enroll via your respective enrollment system:
      • CMS (Master): via Selma
      • (Media) Computer Science (Bachelor): via jExam
      • Computer Science (Diplom, Master): via jExam
      • IST (Diplom): via jExam
      • Media Computer Science (Master): via Selma
      • HPSTS: via Selma
      • Erasmus: via email to exercise instructors
  • The course will be managed via OPAL. We will add you to the course after the enrollment phase.
    • OPAL course for the Lecture: link
    • OPAL course for the Exercise: link


This master module is dedicated to the development of so-called post-WIMP or natural user interfaces (UI), which are based on our experiences in dealing with the real world. A main focus of the event will be UIs for interactive surfaces, including tabletops. Here you will get to know the latest technologies and principles in connection with various operating modalities. Among other things, digital pens & sketches, multitouch gestures, gestural freehand interaction, tangible user interfaces, gaze-based and gaze-supported interaction, organic UIs will be covered.

In all areas you will acquire knowledge about basic hardware technologies, tracking methods, interaction principles, implementation possibilities and application examples. The module is research-oriented and is illustrated by numerous examples of own research work.

The lecture-accompanying exercise or seminar gives you the opportunity to critically examine the latest and most influential articles on the subject areas and thus acquire the ability to work scientifically in a promising field of human-computer interaction.

Topics of the Lecture

  • Introduction Post-WIMP UIs & NUIs
  • Gestural User Interfaces
  • Interactive Surfaces: Multitouch
  • Interactive Surfaces: Pen Input & Sketching
  • Tangible Interaction
  • Cross-device Interaction in Multi-Display Environments
  • Gaze-based Interaction
  • 3D & Spatial Interaction
  • Challenges in NUI & Technologies

Schedule/Lecture Plan

Topics and schedule are tentative and subject to change!

(schedule is tentative and subject to change)
Date Description
04.04. Introduction AUI lecture (Post-WIMP UIs & NUIs)
11.04. Gestural User Interfaces
18.04. Interactive Surfaces: Multitouch 1
25.04. No Lecture
02.05. Interactive Surfaces: Multitouch 2
09.05. Interactive Surfaces: Multitouch 3
16.05. Interactive Surfaces: Pen Input & Sketching 1
23.05.  Interactive Surfaces: Pen Input & Sketching 2
30.05. Pentecost/Pfingsten (no lecture)
06.06. Tangible Interaction 1
13.06. Tangible Interaction 2
20.06. Cross-Device Interaction in Multi-Display Environments
27.06. Gaze-based Interaction
28.06. (16:40) 3D & Spatial Interaction 1
04.07. 3D & Spatial Interaction 2
11.07. Challenges in NUI & Technologies