Zeit: Tuesday, 4th DS (13.00 to 14.30)
Ort: hybrid
Umfang: 4P
Sprache: Deutsch/English

Leider ist dieser Inhalt nur in Englisch verfügbar. Aus praktischen Gründen wird der Inhalt unten in dieser Sprache angezeigt.

Examples results from previous years


This lab project (Komplexpraktikum) is dedicated to the conception and implementation of novel user interfaces within the research activities of the Chair of Multimedia Technology.

For all topics we require good programming skills and an independent, scientific way of working. The lab project is group work suitable for smaller groups of students (3-4 persons, depending on the topic) and has to be completed by the end of the lecture period. Some of the topics may also be extended to bachelor/master thesis topics after successful completion.

All material and further information for this course and the related Lab Project Advanced User Interfaces can be found at the OPAL course page.


We will provide the opportunity to explore possible topics via OPAL before the enrolment starts.

Tentative Schedule

Date Location Description
21.03. OPAL List of topics is online in OPAL.
23.03. – 03.04. OPAL Enrollment for the course in OPAL
OPAL Find and enroll into an available topic in OPAL that suits your interest.
04.04. – 08.04. Online Meeting First virtual meeting of every team with their supervisors.
until 23:59
Submission of project description.
24.05., 13.00 Online Meeting Intermediate presentations
12.07., 13.00 Online Meeting Final project presentations
until 23:59
Submission of final project documentation.

(The schedule is tentative and subject to change)