Zeit: Friday, 3.DS (11:10 to 12:40)
Ort: APB/E023
Umfang: 2V/2Ü/0P SWS
Sprache: Englisch

Leider ist dieser Inhalt nur in Englisch verfügbar. Aus praktischen Gründen wird der Inhalt unten in dieser Sprache angezeigt.


  • Exam – The written exam will take place on July 25, 2024 at 11:10 in room HSZ/02/E.

Goals of the Lecture

  • Deeper knowledge and understanding of interactive information visualizations in various usage scenarios
  • Ability to select and redevelop appropriate visualization and interaction techniques based on tasks, users, and environments
  • Systematic analysis and evaluation of existing information visualization solutions
  • Advanced knowledge in the field of scientific work

Topics of the Lecture

  • Spectrum of advanced interactive information visualization for multivariate data as well as structural and hierarchical data
  • Advanced techniques for managing large amounts of information: Zoomable user interfaces, multiple views, focus+context techniques
  • Comprehensive overview of modern information visualization environments and suitable interaction techniques within these environments
  • Basic understanding on other further research-related topics for interactive information visualizations
Examples of interactive visualization environments:
[top-left] touch interactions for magic lenses (MultiLens);
[top-center] spatial interaction with tablet computers (Mobile3DVis);
[top-right] combining smartwatches and large displays (David Meets Goliath);
[bottom-left] collaborative work using large displays (MCV DisplayWall);
[bottom-center] personal augmented reality on large interactive displays (PARVIS);
[bottom-right] mobile devices and augmented reality (MARVIS);


The class will be managed via OPAL (incl. lecture slides, course work assignments, materials, etc.).


1. Please enroll via your respective enrollment system:

  • CMS/HPSTS/MA-MINF: via Selma
  • MA INF/BA INF/BA MINF/IST: via OPAL course
  • Erasmus: via Selma if possible, if not via email

2. Regardless of your study program: In order to access the lecture materials and complete the exercise assignments, you must enroll in the OPAL course mentioned above.

Questions & Contact

You are welcome to ask questions about the content or the organization of the class at the end of a lecture session.

Alternatively, you can use the forum in the OPAL course (link above), or contact the responsible course work instructors via email.

Preliminary Schedule / Lecture Plan

For the latest schedule of the lectures and exercise sessions, please visit the OPAL Course (link above).